Terça-feira, 21 de Março de 2006

Textos que daríamos a ler a William Shatner 9*

I like your twisted point of view, Mike. I like your questioning eyebrows. You've made it pretty clear what you like. It's only fair to tell you now that I leave early in the morning and I won't be back till next year. I see that kiss-me pucker forming, but maybe you should plug it with a beer, cause: Papa was a rodeo - Mama was a rock'n'roll band. I could play guitar and rope a steer before I learned to stand. Home was anywhere with diesel gas - Love was a trucker's hand. Never stuck around long enough for a one night stand. Before you kiss me, you should know: Papa was a rodeo.

The light reflecting off the mirror ball looks like a thousand swirling eyes. They make me think I shouldn't be here at all. You know, every minute someone dies. What are we doing in this dive bar? How can you live in a place like this? Why don't you just get into my car? and I'll take you away, I'll take that kiss now, but Papa was a rodeo - Mama was a rock'n'roll band. I could play guitar and rope a steer before I learned to stand. Home was anywhere with diesel gas - Love was a trucker's hand. Never stuck around long enough for a one night stand. Before you kiss me, you should know: Papa was a rodeo.

And now it's 55 years later, we've had the romance of the century. After all these years wrestling gators I still feel like crying when I think of what you said to me: "Papa was a rodeo - Mama was a rock'n'roll band. I could play guitar and rope a steer before I learned to stand. Home was anywhere with diesel gas - Love was a trucker's hand. Never stuck around long enough for a one night stand."

Before you kiss me you should know - Papa was a rodeo. What a coincidence, your Papa was a rodeo too.

*Não morrerá, com certeza, este grande primeiro movimento interbloguístico organizado de que há memória. Num dia como tantos outros, à tardinha, três bastante grandes amigos – Maria das Flores , Le Fante e esta pessoa – chegaram à conclusão de que o mundo seria um muito melhor lugar para se viver sem que se sobrevalorizassem compulsiva e cegamente situações como o Jack Johnson, a Scarlett Johansson, os Arcade Fire, o João Pereira, os Keane, os anos oitenta, a Diane Krall, o pudinzinho flã caseiro, o Sun Ra, o ruibarbo (referência britânica), o Glenn Miller, os Arctic Monkeys**, a Dra. Uhlenbroek (referência britânica) e o Nuno Galopim. Nesse dia à tardinha, estes amigos sentaram-se à mesa e, de forma extremamente inteligente e pausada, decidiram trazer um novo alento às suas vidas e às vidas dos demais: a haver alguém a ser sobrevalorizado, será, sem margem para qualquer dúvidazinha que seja, o inexcedível William Shatner.

We love you, Mr. Dom William Shatner!


publicado pela batukada às 10:54
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